Strategic Plan 2025
Following the recommendations of a church-wide consultation in mid-2024, we, as Northwest Langley Baptist Church, seek to continue the momentum we have gathered over the last few years by clearly communicating our goals in an adaptive strategic plan.
We believe five areas of focus, as outlined in this page—including their related measures—will effectively move us forward in our mission and vision.
We further believe that communicating these areas of focus (through this page and other means) will contribute to uniting us in service of the call God has placed upon us.
To lead people to become wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ.
(People who are…)
Forgiven of our sin and extending forgiveness to others—breathing in and breathing out the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
“Forgiven and forgiving”
Freed from our spiritual bondage and associated sinful habits, shame, fear, evil, etc. so we can worship God and live full lives in Christ.
“Freed to worship; freed to live”
Filled with the Spirit who enables us to fully live, who gifts us to serve, who bears fruit in us, who overflows.
“Filled to be fruitful; filled to overflow”
To be a growing community of passionate followers of Jesus Christ who encounter him continually, respond to him obediently, and represent him authentically in all aspects of our lives.
We will achieve our mission and vision as we…
Gathering to worship in the name of Jesus is a prime way to encounter, respond to—and even represent!—the presence of God.
As we meet together on Sundays to praise Him, proclaim the gospel (through preaching, through kids ministry programming), pray together, respond to his leading—and even connect in the lobby!—God works in and among his people for his purposes.
Long-term dream
In order for this to happen well, we need to come together on a regular basis! We picture attendees excited to gather together, anticipating Sunday service each week, and prioritizing it so much that—barring emergencies—nothing would stop them from coming.
In 5 years, this will look like…
All who call Northwest Langley Baptist their church home will attend regularly (present for at least 75% of Sunday services)
Sunday service attendance will have doubled (approximately 20% increase every year)
Participation in kids ministry programming will have doubled (approximately 20% increase every year)
Worship services will be characterized by energy, warmth, and expressiveness
First steps will include…
Bringing renewed focus and greater organization to our worship services, including a continued investment in Scripture-based, gospel-centred, applicable sermons
Continuing to develop an effective children’s ministry program
Actively sharing stories of worship and devotion to Christ
We don’t just “come on Sundays” for corporate worship, we also apply and work out our faith together beyond Sundays with fellow apprentices of Jesus.
We open Scripture (reading, studying, discussing), we share our lives (our strengths, struggles, experiences), we support each other (encouraging, comforting, challenging as necessary), and we serve each other as the Spirit has gifted us—all with the goal of growing to full maturity in Christ.
Long-term dream
We picture the majority of our church not just gathering and worshipping in a Sunday service, but coming together at other times where they can live out their faith in community with others (connecting, growing, serving).
In 5 years, this will look like…
At least 50% of attendees regularly attend a group, seminar, or other identified “gathering for growth”
At least 50% of attendees can identify their spiritual gifting and are serving in an area of giftedness
All volunteers can articulate how their role contributes to our church’s mission and is an expression of their apprenticeship to Jesus
Mid-week classes/seminars that provide growth opportunities for unbelievers, new believers, mature believers are offered each term (fall, winter, spring)
First steps will include…
Launching at least two new mid-week groups in 2025
Launching various “classes/seminars” for growth
Continuing to develop our high school ministry
Actively sharing stories of apprenticeship and growth in Christ
We’re called not only to encounter Christ ourselves, but also to be encounters for others by representing him authentically in all we do.
As we’re forgiven, freed, and filled through our faith in Jesus, we extend his forgiveness, serve in the freedom he brings, and overflow in fruitfulness to the world around us. We desire to represent the love of Jesus by serving those around us in an area of need.
Long-term dream
We envision a future where the majority of our congregation participates in serving others—both on their own and together as a church. We want to be known as people who love, and that the fruit of our loving service is people who seek out Jesus through our church.
In 5 years, this will look like…
At least 50% of attendees can personally identify one instance per month of loving service to someone in their neighbourhood, workplace (not including church, immediate family)
At least 50% of attendees can articulate the basics of the gospel and have shared it with someone in the last three months
At least 20% of attendees regularly participate in church-wide “mercy ministry” opportunities
Public expressions of faith—baptisms!—happen every year
At least 10% of preschool families have become connected to our church
First steps will include…
Launching a church-wide “mercy ministry” initiative / partnership in 2025
Developing a local/global “missions” team (to communicate with and support missions partners)
Regularly sharing the gospel (through Sunday services, other events) and offering evangelism training resources
Actively sharing stories of loving service in Christ
Because we believe Jesus is the head of the church—and the Spirit of God works among us to accomplish the Father’s will—we will be prayerfully dependent people!
As we remain prayerfully dependent, resisting the temptation to “do it ourselves” or “go it alone,” we draw close to the heart of God to better participate in his will, and we’ll see his power at work in our lives.
Long-term dream
We envision a congregation that “defaults to prayer” and is praying together on a regular basis—covering the church in prayer, interceding for each other, and offering prayer for those who seek it.
In 5 years, this will look like…
Post-service prayer team prays with attendees each Sunday morning
At least 25% of our attendees attend a mid-week prayer gathering each week
At least 50% engagement with prayer prompt emails/posts
First steps will include…
Developing prayer teams and processes
Continuing to operate and promote mid-week prayer times
Sending out prayer prompts
Actively sharing stories of the effect of prayer in the lives of those praying
As a community of Jesus-followers, we commit to him together and willingly share the responsibility of his calling upon us.
We offer ourselves (who we are, what we have) to Jesus and his church. We pool our resources, pull in the same direction, and leverage our collective strength to further the mission and vision God has given us. We communicate and celebrate this commitment unabashedly.
Long-term dream
We picture all who call Northwest Langley Baptist their church home having a vested interest in our goals and generously pursuing God’s call together. We’re clear on our focus, we understand how our specific resources contribute towards it, and each year—by God’s grace—we exceed our budgeted needs.
In 5 years, this will look like…
Every visitor is personally acknowledged and invited to connect further
At least 50% of attendees can articulate concepts of our mission/vision/strategy
At least 50% of attendees serve in an identified capacity
Church membership will have doubled (approximately 20% increase every year)
Church budget ends with a surplus every year
Donations to the church will have increased every year by at least 15%:
100% of attendees give at least 1% of their income
80% of attendees give at least 5% of their income
50% of attendees give at least 10% of their income
20% of attendees give at least 15% of their income
First steps will include…
Communicating mission, vision, strategy basics simply and clearly
Launching a “commitment team” to leverage commitment of congregation
Launching a giving team to monitor and promote giving
Establishing a new visitor process
Actively sharing stories of commitment and the joy it brings
Are there specific areas where you feel called to help us move forward?
Please click on the button below and fill out the questionnaire and share your thoughts with us.