On The Flip Side: Week 2
On The Flip Side: Series Overview
When Jesus was on earth, he wasn’t exactly known for telling people what they wanted to hear. Jesus’ message was unlike any message people had ever heard before. He didn’t give shallow motivational speeches or feel-good sermons. He didn’t recycle the same messages other religious leaders were teaching. He flipped people’s ideas about God, the world, and themselves completely upside down — usually in uncomfortable ways. And that’s always how God’s words have worked! In this four-week series, we’ll compare Jesus’ words in the Gospels with the words of the Old Testament prophets to see how God’s words have always challenged our understanding of what’s wrong or right, good or bad, and just or unjust. We’ll talk about how, both then and now, God flips our assumptions about who God values, our definition of righteousness, our understanding of what’s good enough, and our definition of justice.