Plot Twist: Week 1
Plot Twist: Series Overview
Whether it’s your favorite movie, book, or reality show, you know there's nothing like a good plot twist! Those storytelling surprises can keep us entertained, but they can do a lot more than that, too. A good plot twist can make us rethink everything we thought we knew, see things in a brand new light, and get excited about what might happen next. That’s never more true than in the most surprising and significant plot twist in history — Jesus’ death and resurrection. In this six-week series, we’ll look at six surprising stories from Jesus’ death, resurrection, and last days on earth. These stories will show us that, when life takes unexpected turns, God gives us help. And even when we’ve messed up or are ready to give up, Jesus never turns away from us, but gives us life, gives us hope, is with us, and gives us another chance.