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Jr. Youth Sunday Mornings

Not Yet: Week 2

Not Yet: Series Overview

Does life ever feel like a never-ending waiting game? Like you’re always waiting to get a little older, to gain a little more freedom, or to find a little more clarity about your future? When you think about the person you’re becoming and what your future holds, do you ever just want to skip ahead in your story to see how it all turns out, who you’ll become, what you’ll do, or what kind of difference you’ll make? In this four-week series, we’ll talk about all the questions, fear, frustration, and excitement that thinking about our futures can bring. As we explore passages from Ecclesiastes, Revelation, and more, we’ll discover four truths about what God has in store for us: we’re all a work in progress, your purpose is to be like Jesus, God’s plans for you are good, and your next step is to get closer to God.

January 8

Jr. Youth Sunday Mornings

January 22

Jr. Youth Sunday Mornings